Commonly Asked Questions about UltraSonic Mist Makers

Question- How do I make a fog machine for Halloween or special effects that has low lying fog on the ground? 


Answer- You can use an ultrasonic mist maker in combination with a glycol fog machine. The mister sits in a large tank of water where the water mist accumulates and is held. The glycerin fog from a fog machine gets shot in from a pipe in the top of the box, mixes with the water vapor, then exits from a side pipe where a blower gently helps move things along down a long flex pipe to wherever the effect is desired. It works way better than traditional ice chillers because the effect never diminishes as long as the mister is running, unlike ice chillers that will stop working once the ice melts, which does not take very long. The theory is that the mist is making the fog more dense by adding moisture to it, which is clinging to the molecules of glycerin and making them heavier. Not sure if the science to that theory holds up, but whatever it does, it works. Here is a demonstration of a machine if you are interested in seeing how well it works...



Hey this might sound crazy but we breed Hornworms for reptiles and we keep the moths in giant grow tents. The moths need like 85% humidity so we have a home made fogger plumbed up the water lines and a stovepipe going into the cages. Problem is that it gets dusty in there from wing dust so some scales and airborne stuff ends up down the stove pipe and into the water reservoir which over time is absolutely disgusting. So I wanted to find a good way to filter the water and still be able to easily access the reservoir to service the ultrasonic but also be able to service the filter as the filters are likely going to have to be changed one a week at a minimum. 

I was hoping you would maybe have some ideas on filters or could point me in the right direction 


Hey Justin, great to hear from you! We have a similar problem with our mushroom growers and the spores getting into the water. Many of them just cut a piece of filter material and place it between the fan and the blade guard, and that usually does the trick.

You can also search on Amazon for 120 mm fan filter and quite a few options pop up. Let me know if you have any other questions! 

Choosing a size for outdoor fountains




I have a 30 x 15 saltwater pool and interested in ordering a mister that would create a really nice flow of fog. Which size is best, and is there ANY concern for the mister causing damage to the pool's surface?

I also have a fountain that I think would require 2 smaller misters....fountain is about 20-25 sq ft.

Hi Cheryl, 

Good to hear from you! First off, let me say if you plan to swim in the pool, I would remove the mister from the water. It's just a matter of grabbing the mist head and setting it on the pool deck. Or, at a minimum, have it on a gfi outlet for safety.
Swimming with electronics isn't good. :-)

 With that said, there's no problem with the unit ruining the pool. It's just providing ultrasonic vibration to create fog from the water. 

The size really depends on how much for you want in the pool or fountain. The fog will settle within in the lip of the pool or fountain. Wind an air movement will blow it up and out. Either of our 12 Disc units would be good for this setup. I would probably put 2 units in different areas in your pool, but again, it's a matter of the amount of effect your looking for. The fountain could probably be well done with a 6 disc unit or two 5 disc units. 

Everything typically ships within 1 business day via 3 day priority mail, so if you ordered today, you may have it by Friday or Sat. 

If you have any other questions, just let me know!​

How to build a Martha grow tent for Mushroom Growing.



 One of my customers made a really nice DIY article on how to setup a greenhouse for growing mushrooms. Check it out

Great DIY Humidifier video from O'Brian Guitars! He's using our 12 Disc Ultrasonic Mist Maker, Waterproof Fan Kit, Auto Fill Float, and Humidistat for a fully automated way to keep his humidity at a comfortable level.




This Boa just couldn't wait to get in his new hot tub. Mist Makers are a great way to raise the humidity for shedding snakes.

To all my indoor growers, check out Pedro's Grow Room on youtube. He has a ton of great info, and just made an awesome  DIY humidification video featuring our site!



Great email from a Mushroom Farmer at Possum Bottom Farms!



Hey John,

John L here, aka Possum Bottom Farms. 

I've got your mister set up and working. I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know it's working beautifully! I used a 30 gallon open head barrel and mounted the fan on the lid using a 4" black plastic drain pipe fitting. The fan is mounted to the fitting, and then the fitting snaps into the hole I cut in the lid. I figured it was better to blow air into the drum, rather than pull all the moisture through the fan. The outlet ports are fitted with  2" PVC slip joint threaded couplers and screw into holes I cut in the lid. Using 2" fittings in the lid allows me to set 1 1/2" 45 degree fittings loose in the 2: fittings to direct the humid flow where I need it. I have it on a humidistat, so it cycles on and off as needed. It seems to run about three times an hour for maybe 5 minutes and is having no trouble keeping the humidity at a constant 90% in my fruiting room with no condensation issues on the mushrooms. One puck seems to work just great for a 12'x16'x 8' room. I'm planning to use the other two with a similar set up in my  mushroom hoop house next spring. 

Great product!

Thanks for your help!

Hello, I currently have a turbo klone 144.  So far I'm not having very good success with the pump system that it comes with.  Was interested in possibly trying the fog method for cloning.  Would a single head suffice in such a system?  Do these syste




Great to hear from you. For converting a turbo cloner to fog, you can easily do this using the single disc mist maker kit. Just use the water level to raise the fog up to the cuttings. You don't have to run a cycle, but watch you're water temps. As you know, some heat is good for cuttings, but If they get too high, reduce the run times. It'll take a few minutes to build up a heavy amount of fog, but after that you can test cycles to see what works as a maintenance cycle for your setup.  You just need to make sure the cuttings stay damp! Good luck!!!

Can you run a mist maker in Distilled water?                         Can you run a mist maker in RO water?                                     What is the minimum PPM you can run a mist maker?



Hello Jim!

after much searching I landed on your site, needless to

say the quality of your product seems to be much higher than most of the junk foggers that are all over ebay, along with all the specs people love to leave out.

Thank you for that.

I just have a couple

questions regarding the unit...

 I plan on using this in a carnivorous plant terrarium, I must use distilled water or it can kill my plants. I know the manual says not to, but if I keep an eye on the water level will it be ok? or is distilled water a no no?

Hey! Thanks for contacting the House of Hydro!

You can actually use very close to distilled water.  

12 PPM is the lowest we recommend.  As long as the mist maker has steady contact, and doesn't stutter the mist output


How to dose nutrients for fogponics.



I need a little help with my nutrients and I'm hoping that you can help.  I currently have the full complement of Advanced Nutrients products, and I need to know how much of the manufacturer's suggested dosage I should be using.  I made a trial run with a few plants and pretty much tortured them with all of the changes to the nutrient strength.  I contacted the company and they don't even know how to use their own nutrients (Crazy!).  I read in some blogs where some people are using anywhere from 15% to 30% of the manufacturer's suggested dosage.  Can you tell me what dosage works for you?  Also, can you tell me what nutrient's you use and the amounts that you use?  

I'm ready to germinate more seeds, so hopefully you can respond soon.  Thanks for your help. 


I recommend GH Flora Nova, or any clear, water soluble fertilizer.  Beginning you should try to stay around 400, increasing to 700 after 10 days.

In bloom 800 to 1100 PPM depending on what works for you.

Last week of bloom I would drop to less than 400 and sometimes don't even add any nutes, just empty the tanks as much as possible then refill with R/O water. 

Hope that helps some!

VERY cool shot from a customer who needed some humidity for his MMJ grow room.



Using a 12 Disc Mist Maker, and a Hydro-Flow 120mm waterproof fan

I knew that cheese caves used our mist makers, but you can even cure meat with our foggers!



My customers never cease to amaze me. Thanks Ken, for sending some "meat porn" for our viewing pleasure.

Ken uses a single disc mist maker and a 120mm fan to humidify a small meat curing chamber in true DIY style. 

Who would have thought, Prosciutto likes to get foggy. 


Hi Jim,I'm in need of a fogger system for my tropical greenhouse, primarily orchids....





Thanks for contacting us! Jim's out for the week, but I can definitely help you out.  A five head should do well for you in both cooling, and humidifying. 

A 55 gallon drum would be perfect. The more water you have, the less the water is heated by the mister. Which is a good thing. 

I want to say the temp in the people that have reported back have had around a 10-12 degree drop.  I say with with caution though. I've never done it personally.  The more water you add, the cooler it'll be for sure. If you want to add a bigger unit, you could add a humidistat to control the whole thing.  Another benefit to the bigger unit is more stable humidity levels. With an air exchange, it'll snap back very quick.

If you have any other questions, I'm happy to help. 


I got a great testimonial, with pictures, from a customer this morning. It's great to see people stepping out of the norm! Hi, I bought a 1 disk fogger a month ago to experiment with the idea of fogponics. First off I’m really satisfied with the qualit




Ever seen an indoor tornado machine? Thanks to the National Weather Service, now you have. This was made using our 5 disc mist maker with a whole lot of creativity.




Great article, from a great customer, on building a humidification system for a grow room.  Check it out!




Another great video from one of our customers. 



Check out or 6 disc pond fogger in action!

I got some pics from a happy Chameleon owner that has been using our 3 disk mist maker to raise humidity levels in his Chameleon habitat. I think I need to get one of these things! They're pretty awesome looking! 




We sold a mist maker to an artist that used the fog for special effects in film. The result is pretty awesome.... and a little creepy :-)   

John, I recently ordered everything I needed to build a humidifier for my greenhouse.A 9 disc mist maker, the Humidistat, and a fan kit. All of it together worked out better than I thought it would. My plants are doing great. Thank you for a wonderful p




I love getting e-mails like this!



Got our 3-head kit and fan last week and I wanted to write to tell you how pleased we are!  Arrived 2 days from ordering. Took less than  20 minutes to get it up and running (including time it took for the Hubs to gather the hole saw and drill).  It works like a champ! 
We have a 48 square foot sunroom where I grow mostly cloud-forest orchids (miltoniopsis, masdevallias) and was using ultra-sonic baby room nebulizers trying to keep them happy.  Your unit effortlessly provides the 70% - 90% humidity these finicky plants require.  With the windows and skylight closed, I only need to run the unit 15 minutes every 2 hours.  When the temp reaches 70, I open the windows, door and skylight and run the unit continuously (up to 6 hours) to maintain 70%. 
Plants are thriving and I'm sharing my experience with everyone in my local orchid society. 
Thank you for a great product and excellent customer service!
Ohio orchid grower

Good afternoon, I have a small commercial nursery for tropical plants and we need to start replacing some Korean humidifiers that are failing. Anyways, I'd like to create some custom humidifiers from garbage totes as seen elsewhere, just wondering exac




Great to hear from you. The humidifiers are pretty easy to build. You can get pretty fancy with it, or just Stay basic.

You will need a 120mm waterproof fan
 In less you have a very small enclosure, then you could get away with that 80 mm. You can also use a auto fill mini float
 To control the water level in your Reservoir, And automatically keep it full.

If you want to precisely control the humidity in your greenhouse, you can use one of our humidistats
. This will automatically turn your humidifier on and off +/-3% of the preset humidity level.

If you don't want to splurge on the humidistat, you can purchase our fog output controller.
 This allows you to reduce the output of humidity so you can try to find a nice balance that keeps you around where you need to be.

Hope this helps some,


Hi Chelsea, I've had my vivarium up and running for about a month using a 3 disk mist maker from you guys. The mist maker has been a phenomenal product for me. I'm planning to order another 3 disk mist maker, I just wanted to hear your input before orde




How to make a fog screen for projecting images 

I love it when I get great feeback from our customers!



John and team,

Really, really happy with ya'lls company; I received my 12-head and fan faster than expected and they work great.  I'm ecstatic to have humidity in my house now - went from somewhere in the teens to over 50% with this system and your YouTube idea for a container.  It has been a life-saver; no more scratchy eyes and bloody noses, which has greatly improved me and my wife's (and to cats) morale.  We no longer "zap" them when petting the cats.    

Feel free to use this in your blog/wherever.  Will post a video response soon.  

All the best,

Some common questions...  1:   I want to make a couple of these to keep my recording studio humid. This doesn’t look any different, tech-wise, form a cool mist humidifier, so it should work fine, correct?2:   # of heads:Noise is a concern for me.


Thanks for writing. 

It is the same technology as a cool mist humidifier. But store bought humidifiers are typically the 16mm brass discs, and put out a lot less humidity, while needing clean often.  

The smaller units are quieter, but it is very minimal. The noise is pretty much just bubbling water. A 9 head may be too much fog, unless your studio is pretty big. A 9-12 head can usually humidify a standard house. 

When you lower the voltage, the noise reduction is minimal, but like I said, it's not very noisy to start. 

You need a fan to get the fog out of the container. You can put it in a container without a top on it, but you need to point some type of fan at the fog or 90% of the fog will sit in the bottom of the container. The mist makers also splash a little, so if you don't have a lid, you will likely make a mess around the humidifier. 

The Int/ext mini float is for controlling an auto filling unit. Here is a mounting diagram. 
 and you can buy it here. 

The black, round float is for holding the unit at the correct level in the water. 

The anti corrosion unit can be added to your order on the product page. It's under step 2, here. 
 The CLR may strip the unit of the coating we use. I'm not sure. 

If you get anything on the discs, it won't work properly.

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Thanks for stopping by! The House of Hydro is right in the path of Hurricane Milton. We will possibly be shipping on Tuesday, but we're not 100% sure when UPS or USPS will stop their pickup services. If you are in need of something quickly, please order asap so we can get it in the mail to you. As always, we'll try our best to respond to your emails within one business day, but we may be without power and internet for a few days. There's no telling how bad it will be. Wish us luck!

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